How to write a winning scholarship essay

Published on January 4, 2025


Category: Scholarships


Author: danetgenius



Are you having trouble writing the essay necessary to secure that funding? 

Look no further!

In this post, we have provided basic steps to writing the perfect scholarship essay which, if followed duly, can guarantee a high chance of application success. 

A scholarship essay is a formal document that states reasons for applying for a scholarship. Your essay is your gateway to opportunities. It is more than just an essay. It is an opportunity to speak to the mind of the readers convincingly enough to consider you for the funding. A properly written essay gives you an edge over other applicants in the long run. 

Writing a scholarship essay entails a lot. From the opening phrase to the last sentence, every word counts! Consider these points as you put your essay together, if you wish to achieve the best. 


1. Preparations and research: 

  • Learn about the institution of choice: To write a  perfect scholarship essay, you must be armed with adequate information regarding the school, its location,  academic standards, courses offered, the length of the study, and other general pieces of information provided. Checking up the school's website is a simple way to obtain this information.
  • Read and understand the scholarship prompt: Proper considerations should be put in place to understand the requirements of the scholarship prompt. Misunderstanding the prompt can lead to a disorganized essay, subsequently leading to a lost chance at the scholarship.
  • Research on the terms of the prompt: Every unclear phrase or vocabulary should be clarified to avoid misinterpretation. Deadlines should be known and planned with. Avoid last minute preparations.
  • Meet the requirements: The required certifications (if any) and result stipulations must be met in order to apply. Hoping on luck and chance when there's a stipulated certification is a total waste of time. 

After proper research, the next step to take is writing the essay. 


2. Writing the essay.


Like every formal document, scholarship essays require extra effort and caution. Remember it is your gateway to the reader's mind. Nothing must go wrong. 

 To have a perfect essay, you must :

  • Ensure your essay is well paragraphed, treating one subject matter in each paragraph. Nothing beats a well paragraphed essay as it makes it easier to read. Also, every paragraph should tell a unique story. Coherence between the paragraphs should also be considered.
  • Ensure your punctuation is appropriate. Treat everything as important, including little things as punctuation marks. Missing a comma or hyphen may cost you the scholarship!
  • Ensure the stipulations on the scholarship prompt are met and addressed properly in the essay. While doing this, avoid over emphasizing on your perceived failures, low scores or what have you. Confidence is key.
  • Ensure the word count, document format and font stipulations are obeyed strictly. If you're unsure, check again or use standard formats where none is specified.
  • Highlight your academic performances and any information that gives you an edge over other applicants. Ensure moderation while doing this.
  • Give reasons why you need the funding provided by the scholarship scheme. Avoid sounding pitiful. Remember, confidence is key. 



3. Proof reading and correction.

After writing the scholarship essay, it is pertinent that you send it to someone else to edit and proof read. This helps them to see it from a different point of view. From your catchy introduction to your closing paragraph, there could be tiny faults that you may not notice no matter how many times you read the essay. However, these faults will be glaring to a critic. Therefore, have someone criticize the essay by reading and proof reading it for you. Better corrected by a friend than a member of the committee.


  • Ensure that your work is read by a higher authority like your lecturer or a professional. Certain sentences may be added or removed, giving you a better chance at the offer. 


The services of an editing firm or professional editor might be necessary. 


4. Submission: 

  • Re-read the essay before submission. The edited copy should be read as many times as possible.
  • Ensure that you submit before the given deadline.
  • Make sure to keep a copy of your essay for reference purposes.


Writing a winning scholarship essay can be quite tasking. However, with the guide provided in this post,  you can start writing your essay today! 
